
What is a Certificate of Rehabilitation?

A Certificate of Rehabilitation (COR) is a court order declaring that you have displayed good moral character and have been a law-abiding citizen since you were convicted of a crime. Watch this video to see how a COR may benefit you.

How Senate Bill 946 May Help You

Sidewalk vending in California is no longer a crime.

Success Story Built on Gratitude

A paid internship program helps young adults aging out of the foster care system gain work experience in County departments. For Roshawn Davis, an intern in the Public Defender’s Office, it’s an opportunity to complete college and focus on a future brimming with promise.

Senate Bill 823: Human Trafficking Legislation

If you are a human trafficking survivor, this short video may help give you a fresh start.

Changing Lives

Need a better job, benefits or housing? Is your past harming your future? The Public Defender offers many free, record-clearing clinics each month.

Prop. 64: The Cannabis Law

Prop. 64 allows anyone to apply to have their past marijuana-related offenses reduced or expunged. Roughly 200,000 LA County residents are eligible.

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