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Co-Occurring Disorders Court

The Co-Occurring Disorders Court (CODC) serves individuals charged with felonies and who have co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. Criminal charges must involve Proposition 36 eligible charges (PC section 1210) and/or non-violent crimes. Non-violent misdemeanors are accepted if attached to a pending felony or felony probation violation. Participants must be between the ages of 26 and 59. They must have a history of homelessness, are at risk for homelessness, or reside in Department of Mental Health Service Areas 4 or 6. Persons on PRCS, mandatory supervision or parole are excluded from CODC.

The Public Defender screens clients for legal criteria eligibility and represents approximately 90 percent of all participants, while the Department of Mental Health screens for the clinical criteria. Participants are placed in 90 days of intensive residential mental health treatment in the Antelope Valley Rehabilitation Center followed by three to six months of mental health treatment in sober living. Participants who successfully complete the program and graduate can petition the court for early termination of probation, dismissal, and expungement.

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